by Dokterstatistik | Jul 5, 2009 | Uncategorized
Contoh Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas
Uji validitas Kinerja Perawat
Uji reliabilitas Kinerja Perawat
Berdasarkan data dari hasil uji diatas di atas menunjukkan semua item pertanyaan mempunyai nilai Rhitung lebih besar dari Rtabel (0.5139) dengan nilai signifikansi yang lebih kecil dari alpha 0.05, sehingga tidak ada item instrumen yang harus dikeluarkan dari pengujian. Sedangkan untuk reliabilitas menunjukkan bahwa hasil perhitungan standardized item alpha (SIA) lebih besar dari nilai reliabilitas yang diperbolehkan menurut Singarimbun (1995)1, yaitu 0.6. Dengan demikian, maka butir-butir item di atas yang digunakan sebagai pengukur variabel yang akan diuji adalah valid dan reliabel. Dengan kata lain, berapa kalipun pertanyaan pada kuisioner ditanyakan kepada responden yang berbeda, maka hasilnya tidak akan terlalu jauh berbeda.
by Dokterstatistik | Jun 15, 2009 | Uncategorized
After through long experience in statistic world, applies equipment questioner to get data in our examination, always is given on to constraint is not valid and its(the reliable data which we obtain, and though the data have been valid and reliable simply at the time of done [by] the next test ( regression test) always is burdened to influence value from significances result of data testing applies SPSS. Then I find a real techniques “njelimet” ( java: uphill,), is earning I to apply to assist you in finalizing you problem in workmanship masterpiece writes, Skripsi, finite Thesis of Dissertation. So I will offer service to you for a few statistic test.
Herewith I offer to you to do making of valid data and reliable for data test type Validity and reliability. As well as repairing data to test multiple and also simple Regression.
To test Validity and reliability until 30 responders maximally 3 variable I specify the price of equal to our making USD$11, (we making it)
To test Validity and reliability until 30 responders maximally 5 variable I specify the price of equal to our making USD$17, (we making it)
To test Validity and reliability until 30 responders maximally 7 variable I specify the price of equal to our making USD$23, (we making it)
To simple regression test until 100 responders (original data property of you) maximally 5 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$21, (sure valid data and reliable)
To simple regression test until 100 responders (original data property of you) maximally 7 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$31, (sure valid data and reliable)
To simple regression test until 200 responders (original data property of you) maximally 5 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$26, (sure valid data and reliable)
To simple regression test until 200 responders (original data property of you) maximally 7 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$41, (sure valid data and reliable)
To test Multiple regression until 100 responders (original data property of you) maximally 5 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$34, (sure valid data and reliable)
To test Multiple regression until 100 responders (original data property of you) maximally 7 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$39, (sure valid data and reliable)
To test Multiple regression until 200 responders (original data property of you) maximally 5 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$45, (sure valid data and reliable)
To test Multiple regression until 200 responders (original data property of you) maximally 7 I specify the price of equal to our making USD$57, (sure valid data and reliable)
For regression if my data is making there are shave equal to USD$71,(you gets bonus , you can to determine which variable more ascendancy (multiple regression), and can be sorted according to the theory which you has, and or you can ask made there are variable that is not significant <>)
For data more than 200 responders at regression test, there is shave equal to USD$21/100 responder
For every repetition of regression test (test path), worn expense of 80% from the price of before all is the same. (Multiple regression USD$34+80%= USD$61.2,-)
Price upper to be very cheap, and I you am sure surely satisfied with data which I yield.
This business is trust business, all executions must according to the procedure under this:
1. Sends file questioner and Path Diagram (if path test) you via e-mail (amazingofme@gmailcom)
2. Confirmation via sms with format:
a. validity test : VR#NAMA#EMAIL#TGL delivery of data# date remittance advanced money #time of facial remittance#paypal/bank
b. Regression test: RG#NAMA#EMAIL#TGL delivery of data# date remittance advanced money # time of facial remittance#paypal/bank
Sends to 085755238488 (SMS ONLY)
3. Workmanship we would execute if there is advanced money beforehand equal to Rp.200.000,+ 3 digit no your HP.
If your no 081000000453 hence which you sends equal to Rp.200.453,it’s to advocate me also at the time of redemption.
4. After completed enamel us workmanship would to your enamel address, and confirmations SMS at no. your Phonsel.
5. File which we send in the form of compression data ( ZIP/RAR) in the form of interpretation file of data file data Ms.word, data file Ms.exel, output SPSS 15 and preview from the data . bmp/JPG
6. Password we would give via e-mail after happened transaction at Acc my bank.
Bank Centran Asia Tbk.
KCP Blimbing Malang
Swif Code : CENAIDJA
AC: (conformation via SMS or e-mail)
Paypal Acc:
7. My business this void for man who “idealist” to the research.
8. If just pass paper searching and go up [position/occupation], hard why thrown away cost larger ones for just the test.
9. Purpose of me just for assisting them burdened by it (the workdload, which time narrowed that quickly passed, man who it’s (the money research create casquette, etc.
10. Hopefully you quickly pass with value it to you.
Menerima manipulasi analisa data statistik SEM (Structural Equation Model) dengan menggunakan software amos 8.
Anda bisa menentukan sendiri sesuai proposal yang telah disetujui dan telah diujikan dalam seminar proposal.
Gambar (Path) telah Fix, dan tidak mengalami perubahan.
Data awal yang digunakan adalah data dari anda, kami tidak menyediakan data mentah dari awal pengujian.
mengenai jumlah data, anda yang menentukan dan harus memenuhi syarat minimum pengolahan data. minimal 100 atau 5x jumlah variabel dan tidak lebih dari 200 karena akan membuat uji goodness of fit menjadi sangat sensitif.
Karena tingkat kesulitan yang sangat tinggi,
Kami patok harga minimum sebesar Rp.1jt dan Sebagai tanda jadi kami patok DP sebesar Rp.400.000, –
Perubahan data yang ada pada hasil analisa menjadi tanggung jawab anda, terhadap tujuan proposal. Kami hanya membantu agar sesuai dengan permintaan dan keinginan anda seperti pada proposal anda.
kirimkan file and via email saya datamanipspss[et]gmail[dot]com:
1. Proposal Lengkap
2. Data analisis ASLI (dalam exel)
3. Path
4. Isis Order (pesan mail)
konfirmasi : 085755238488